What role does stretching play in Physiotherapy Treatment & Recovery? Can it help with pain-relief? It certainly can!

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Does Stretching Help Injury Recovery?

Having a good stretch is something we should all do – but very few of us actually do.

Effectively stretching keeps muscles flexible, healthy and can even contribute to their strength (and can be combined with body-weight exercises, so you don’t always have to lift weights!).

It doesn’t just help your muscles – it helps your joints too. The flexibility of the muscles and joints work together. If you can’t move the joints fully and you’ll be severely limited in movement and recovery. Similarly, if your muscles are stiff – this will prevent you from moving the joint through it’s full range of movement.

Whether it’s before or after a run, a gym session, or a round of golf – stretching should be incorporated into to your daily routine! Stretching is so important!

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Pain Kit Methodology To Deal With Painful Conditions

Joints are designed to move. Poor joint movement leads to damage and disease such as osteoarthritis. So muscle flexibility is really important. Without regular stretching, over time your muscles can become short and tight.

Your entire muscular-skeletal system is connected – so for example, if you do have tight hip-flexors – it can make everyday things like walking harder, and can cause imbalances that feed into other pains. Sitting on the couch and hoping your stiffness will subside is the wrong thing to do – you should be moving and stretching!

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Improve Poor Posture

This is important. Having good posture is not just physically more attractive, but it also helps to properly align the key moving parts of your body.

As you work (particularly in a desk job) all day, it’s natural that some muscles will tighten and others will weaken. This can cause your posture to get worse and from there it’s a downward spiral.

While you may not be able to swap your desk job for one that requires you to walk or stay active all day, the first thing you can do to improve your health right now is to Sit Correctly.

Everybody Should Stretch

You don’t have to be a world class athlete to see the huge benefits of stretching.

Nowadays in our ever-increasing sedentary lifestyles where we sit for long periods, tight inflexible muscles are common.

Sadly, back pain, neck pain, hip and knee pain, osteoarthritis, and poor posture are equally common. The more sedentary your lifestyle is, the more you should be stretching!

If you exercise regularly and don’t stretch properly, it is likely that injuries such as muscle strains and fatigue will occur more frequently.

Stretch Tight Muscles and Strengthen Weak Ones

David Connor – B.Sc, M.sc Chiropractic, RN/RGN Nursing Orthopaedics, EMT

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Signs You Need To Stretch More

If you are experiencing aches and pains, this could be a sign you need to start stretching. Things to watch out for are:

These would all be signs that a regular stretch routine could help.

For those of you who are more active, stretching also helps with muscle recovery and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) which commonly occurs.

That’s it. That’s the strategy!

Make sure your stretching is properly structured and balanced with the strength exercises – as part of your overall exercise routine, taking care to use the best range of movement of your joints.

Even if you don’t get much exercise, make some time to do a few positions before and after a walk.

Our Pain Kits incorporate the key elements of Massage, Movement, Stretching, Strengthening – wrapped up within a Heat Pack at the start, and a Cold Pack at the end.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can Stretching Help Back Pain?

Yes. It’s one of the most important things you can do to relieve back pain. It’s not the only thing you should do – here’s the full list:

  • Brace / Support
  • Heat Therapy
  • Massage
  • Movement
  • Stretch Exercises
  • Strength Exercises
  • Cold Therapy
How Long Should I Stretch For?

Aim for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on what you are stretching. Broadly speaking you need to assume the stretch position for long enough so that your muscles have time to slowly un-tighten, and this takes time. You can warm up before stretching with some light exercise, or use a Heat Pack.

Should Golfers Stretch?

Absolutely Yes. Golf is a sport where the body is put under enormous strain, for very short periods of time, and you repeat this dozens of times during each round. Start with a light warm-up or a heat pack before doing a full body stretch routine. There are some specific stretches you can do if you’re suffering from Golfer’s Elbow too.

Why Do I Feel Pain While Stretching?

A certain amount of pain will be felt while stretching – this is how you know if the stretch is reaching it’s limit. You should never stretch so far that it causes a lot of pain – just a light twinge is fine. If you are experiencing serious pain while stretching you need to stop, and consult a doctor to see if there’s an underlying issue. If you have DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) then stretching can often be very sore. Wait until the pain subsides a bit.

Does Stretching Help Injury Healing?

Yes. If you stretch your tight muscles, this takes the pressure off the connective tissues (ligaments and tendons) and your joints. Stretching can also stimulate blood flow to the area, which prepares the body to heal. Stretching is good. Do it.

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